Sweden Retrofit Biochar

Biochar Biomass
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Solör Bioenergy Group is a district heating company in Sweden. They’re leaders in adopting the innovative solution of retrofitting combustion boilers to also produce biochar and carbon sinks. With a simple adjustment to the boiler's airflow, Solör not only streamlined the transition to sustainable practices without compromising operational integrity, but also opened doors for heating companies to strengthen their businesses’ resilience. This technology offers a compelling pathway to diversify product portfolios and expand into new markets. Leveraging existing infrastructure, this method is straightforward and highly scalable. In Sweden, biochar has gained recognition and is valued in urban green spaces for its high water and nutrient holding capacity, which supports the vitality of urban trees and aids in stormwater purification. Through the trade of carbon sinks, biochar's affordability can be subsidized, unlocking its potential in agriculture — an application with tremendous market potential.Solör's biochar production meets the sustainability standards of the industry, and is certified according to the European Biochar Certificate. Tracking via Carbonfuture ensures traceability and transparency regarding both biochar and carbon sink. Solör's facility serves as a proof of concept, demonstrating the feasibility of the approach. The missing element lies in the demand for carbon sinks from retrofitted boilers.While "supporting retrofitting of boilers" may not be the sexiest narrative nor the most photogenic, its climate potential is substantial. Solör owns heat production plants with the potential for biochar and carbon sink generation at over 270 locations across Sweden and Norway. Increased demand for carbon sinks from retrofitted boilers would drive further conversions, tapping into the vast potential of the existing infrastructure for biochar carbon sink creation and climate change mitigation. Biokolprodukter assists both new and established biochar producers, including the implementation of boiler retrofitting technology. By investing in carbon sinks from Solör, you're facilitating the realization of an accelerated and significant scale-up of carbon sink generation— an essential step towards meeting environmental targets in the near future.