SunCulture Solar Water Pumps
Renewable Energy
Africa’s smallholder farmers have a leading role to play in climate resilience as guardians of natural assets and pioneers of climate smart agricultural practices. Currently, unpredictable rain results in limited access to water which causes lower yields for these farmers. Consequently, they must resort to cheap fuel pumps to adapt to the changing climate, thus contributing to the problem further and perpetuating the cycle.
SunCulture breaks the current vicious circle by introducing life changing technology. As Africa’s first solar irrigation carbon project, it uses the power of the sun to drive climate resilience, mitigation, and adaptation. The purchase of carbon credits help enable this by lowering the cost of solar irrigation to a price below existing diesel and petrol water pumps. Without the SunCulture systems, farmers would continue using these harmful CO2-emitting fuel pumps.
SunCulture's IoT-enabled irrigation system monitoring ensures a rigorous carbon accounting process, tracking the exact number of minutes that a pump is used for emission-reduction calculations. The avoidance of emissions begins from the moment the technology switch has been made and the longevity of the systems is far greater than that of CO2-emitting alternatives.
SunCulture views smallholder farmers as climate pioneers by way of carbon financing, rather than as victims. The company is based in Kenya and has operations in several other African countries where it plans to scale this project.